

In my role as Tessa, an escort call girl in Berlin-Karow, I offer you an unforgettable experience. With a penchant for intimacy and pampering through hotel visits, I invite you to experience sensual sex in Ahrensfelde. As a private model, it is my passion to take you into a world of passion and eroticism. In a discreet hotel environment we can indulge in our lust and explore our hidden desires. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to me and I will use every moment to ensure that our time together will be unforgettable and fulfilling.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Age: 25
Orientation: Bisexual


Escort Details

Gender: Female
Breast: Large
Smoker: Yes
Weight: 51 kg ( 112.4 lbs )
Height: 155 cm ( 5'1" )
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Nationality: Belgian
Languages: English

Escort Services


Outcall: 150 EUR

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