

Hello Dear, I'm Penelope. I'm a luxury escort for men who are looking for relaxation, pleasure, long kisses and hot sex! I love to fuck, without haste, without limits or taboos. I will make you enjoy the time you are with me to the fullest, I get 100% involved, I perform delicious erotic massages. Be prepared that your hour will be full of surprises! Waiting for your message to my WhatsApp.

City: Dubai
Age: 20
Orientation: Bisexual


Escort Details

Gender: Female
Breast: Medium
Smoker: No
Weight: 52 kg ( 114.6 lbs )
Height: 166 cm ( 5'5.4" )
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Nationality: Brazilian
Languages: English

Escort Services


Incall: 1,200 AED

Outcall: 1,300 AED

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